The Technology Trends That Will Shape The Coming Decade

The Technology Trends That Will Shape The Coming Decade

Technology is rapidly evolving today, allowing for faster change and progress and thereby increasing the rate of change. Even if we don’t live on Mars or go to business in wingsuits, the next ten years will bring plenty of fascinating technological advancements. In this piece, I’d want to set out even the 24 significant trends that I foresee will dominate the 2022.

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)

Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)

One of the most important technological developments is AI. Machine Learning, a subset of AI, is being used in a wide range of industries. Our environment will be completely transformed as machines’ ability to learn and act intelligently grows. It is also the foundation for many of the other patterns on this list. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) 

The Internet of Things (IoT) 

It refers to the ever-increasing number of internet-connected “smart” devices and objects. Big Data and AI are being propelled ahead by these machines, which are constantly gathering and transmitting data. 

Augmented people and wearables

Augmented people and wearables

What started with Fitbit has expanded into a booming wearable tech industry aimed at improving human performance and supporting us in living healthier, safer, and more efficient lives. In the far future, people and technologies may merge to form augmented humans or transhumans.

Big data and augmented analytics

Big data and augmented analytics

The term “big data” alludes to the exponential increase in the amount of data produced in our environment. One can now make sense of and operate with immensely complicated and diverse streams of data, thanks to augmented analytics (extremely advanced data analytics, sometimes fuelled by AI techniques).

Intelligent Space and smart locations

Intelligent Space and smart locations

This trend, which is likely to be related to the Internet of Things, has physical settings like homes, offices, and even entire cities becoming more connected and smart.

Distributed ledgers and blockchains

Distributed ledgers and blockchains

A blockchain is a decentralized, digitally distributed public ledger which is across a network. This ultra-secure method of storing, verifying, and keeping data has the potential to revolutionize many aspects of business, particularly when it comes to facilitating trusted transactions. Cryptocurrencies will take over the world. Trading in a Bitcoin Wallet or mining, such as Helium Mining, are also options.

Edge computing and cloud computing

Edge computing and cloud computing

Data and analytics have become more available to the general public because of cloud computing, which stores data on other computers and allows users to access it over the internet. When data is processed on smart devices, edge computing will take this to the next level. 

Digitally extended realities 

Digitally extended realities 

This trend underlines the shift toward more immersive digital experiences, which encompasses virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality.

The concept of digital twins

the concept of digital twins

The term “digital twin” refers to a computerized version of a physical entity, procedure, or ecosystem. Because of this reduced technology, we can experiment with alterations and tweaks that would have been too costly or unsafe to perform on a physical thing.

Natural language processing

Natural language processing

This technology, which enables machines to understand human language, has had a significant impact on how people interact with robots, resulting in the development of.

Voice interfaces and chatbots are on the rise

voice interfaces and chatbots are on the rise

Thanks to Alexa, Siri, and chatbots, most of us are already used to engaging with machines just by speaking or typing our requests. In the future, many companies will connect with their customers through voice interfaces and chatbots.

Computer vision and facial recognition

Computer vision and facial recognition

Why shouldn’t machines have the same ability to see and communicate as humans? Face recognition is one example of how this technology supports robots in visually comprehending the world around them. Face recognition will be subject to more stringent government oversight, but the technology will not be phased out. 

Cobots and robots 

Cobots and robots 

Robots have advanced to the point where they can respond to their surroundings and carry out tasks even without the assistance of humans. People are expected to collaborate with robot peers in various sectors in the future, hence the term “cobot,” or “collaborative robot.”

Automobiles that drive themselves

Automobiles that drive themselves

All forms of automated vehicles, including autos, taxis, trucks, and possibly ships, will all become self-driving and commercially successful.



Wireless networking will become faster, smarter, and more stable with the fifth generation of cellular network technology, propelling several other innovations ahead.

Editing genes and genomes

Editing genes and genomes

Our understanding of the human genome was greatly enhanced by breakthroughs and analytics. We’re now working on changing organisms’ genetic backgrounds (for example, correcting the DNA mutations which can lead to cancer).

Co-creation using machines and augmented design

Co-creation using machines and augmented design

Machines can now do a wide range of tasks, such as the manufacture of artwork and designs, thanks to artificial intelligence.As a result, we should expect to see more human-machine collaboration in creative and design processes in the future.

Digital platforms 

Digital platforms 

Instagram, Uber, and Airbnb, to name a few, are digital platform networks which thus allow users to connect and share information. This trend is upending established organizational structures, prompting several traditional businesses to adopt or migrate to a forum strategy.

Advancements in Bot Detection

Advancements in Bot Detection

Preventing account bot sign-up fraud may be challenging. You risk alienating legitimate users and losing money if you make the signup process excessively difficult. Taking no action against phony accounts, on the other hand, will result in a loss of respect as well as other adverse outcomes.

Aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones

Aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones

The way military operations are conducted has changed as a result of these aircraft, which may be operated remotely or autonomously. Drone technology, on the other hand, will have an impact on their search and rescue, firefighting, law enforcement, and transportation missions.

IT Support on a virtual face-to-face basis

IT Support on a virtual face-to-face basis

If you’ve been to any of the online vendors since 2020, you’ve probably seen a new feature for eCommerce: face-to-face online sales representatives. Customers can tap an icon to have a corporate person appear on their screen to answer questions and guide them through the process, similar to how they would at a store. This will come as no surprise if IT support starts to involve more facetime as the world becomes more digital. And, thanks to the 5G network’s storm wireless internet alternatives, it won’t be long until we’re able to communicate (and solve IT support problems) in real-time from virtually everywhere on the planet.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing refers to the use of quantum/ Quantum computers which will make today’s state-of-the-art technology appear like something from the Stone Age, with extremely fast computers capable of addressing seemingly intractable problems. Quantum computing research is currently limited to laboratories, but the very first commercially available quantum computer could appear this decade.

Robotic processes automation

obotic processes automation

This technology automates routine corporate tasks, allowing humans to focus on more difficult, value-adding tasks. This is part of a bigger automation trend that will affect every business.

Mass personalization and micro-moments

Mass personalization and micro-moments

Mass personalization refers to the ability to supply highly personalized products or services on a big scale. Micro-moments, on the other hand, refer to precisely addressing the needs of customers at the proper time.

About the author: ISHAN

Growth Hacker | Speaker | Entrepreneur | Helping Companies Drive Breakout Growth. Learn more at