11 Things to Plan before Developing a Mobile App

11 Things to Plan before Developing a Mobile App

With the growing popularity of smartphone as a multi-utility tool, the demand for mobile app developer has also shown a marked increase.

Here we are giving you a list of 11 different things that you need to worry about even before you start developing a mobile app.

1). Do a thorough research

The first thing that you need to focus on is doing a thorough market research on other apps that are providing similar services that your app is likely to provide.

This will give you a clear idea of what features are popular and what features are not accessed by the customers.

You can go through the customer reviews of similar apps to find out what extra features the customer wants and what are those areas that are not working smoothly.

2). Make sure that it does not gobble up data

Data is very expensive and carriers charge a premium for their data packages.

Therefore, if you want to increase the popularity of your app then deduce how to improve its efficiency.

Besides, there are some apps that need a continuous Internet connection to function, while there are some that can function offline too. So, plan which kind you will prefer.

3). Provide something unique to the customer

At present, there are more than 1.6 million Android apps and 1.5 million iOS apps.

If you want to build something that people will want, then make sure that it has some unique features that none of the other apps provides.

Downloading and installing an app requires both data usage as well as storage of the phone. Therefore, if you want to induce a person to install your app make sure that you build one that comes with special features.

4). Use animation to indicate different functions of the app

It has been observed that many apps (especially those that have heavy use of graphics contents) take a long time to load.

This may create a false impression in the mind of the user that the app has crashed or is not working.

To avoid any such misunderstanding, make sure that the app comes with animations (indicators) that will tell the user that the app is in the process of loading.

Besides using animations to improve the overall user experience of an app user significantly besides adding to the fun part of using the app.

5). Make a plan for Monetizing your app

If you want to make a livelihood out of developing mobile apps, then it is important that you price your app correctly.

There are many companies who are looking to hire mobile app developers for a particular job on a contract basis. It would be wise on your part to know the value of your own work and charge remuneration accordingly.

6). Identify the users of your app

Before launching an app, it is wise to first find out who will be the users of your app.

Once you know who your target audience is, then you can find out what they are interested in and what they are looking for in an app.

This will help you narrow down the features that you have to include in the app that you are developing so that the target audience is interested in it.

7). Develop expertise on one platform

If you are in the market looking to hire mobile app developer then do not go looking for a person who is an expert in multiple domains (he is more likely to be expensive).

Look for an expert mobile app developer who has great expertise in any one platform (Android or iOS).

Look at his past works to figure out how successful he was in developing the app that has gained good popularity in the mobile app market.

8). Do think about good marketing strategy

It has been observed that many good products with several unique features have not gained market traction due to lack of marketing strategy.

For a good and effective marketing result, you should start the campaign two or three weeks before the actual launch of the app in the market.

This will give time for a great buildup in the market about the app and many people will be curious about it and will like to try it out.

9). Be prepare for testing the app rigorously before launching it in the app market

It is important that you should not lose the goodwill of your customers.

And one of the fastest ways to lose it is to launch an app that is riddled with bugs.

It is important that you test the app very carefully to find out if there are any glitches. And if there are, then make sure that all of them are resolved before you launch it.

10). Write a catchy description

Any visitor who is browsing the app market will find it difficult to know the functions of all the apps hosted there.

To help them decide which app the choose, both Android and iOS market allows the developer to add a few lines of description about the app.

You should focus on writing a great description of your app in two or three lines that will catch the eye of the visitors.

11). The plan as per your budget

App development is not free. You have to spend a tidy sum of money if you want to hire a mobile app developer to give a shape to your idea.

Besides, app development has multiple stages, if you want to become successful in keeping the cost under control then make sure that have planned budget for each of these stages and you stay well within those limits.

If you do not look at the budget part of the app development process then your app will not be cost effective and you can lose money on it instead of gaining from it.

If you follow these rules, then you have a great chance of getting success with the app that you are planning to develop.

About the author: Medhaavi Mishra