
Mobile Devices are Changing the Face of Marketing- Here’s Why

Some things tend to keep marketers up at night, and mobile is probably one of them. The main reason for this is because more and more customers are going mobile-only and they are also shifting away from desktop-based interfaces. They are doing this in favour of smartphones. Of course, the ever-changing digital landscape is also changing user behaviour as well. If you want to find out more about how mobile devices are changing the way that we interact with companies, then take a look below.

The Rise of Mobile Machines

When you look at research that has been done by the Pew Research Centre, you will soon see that 95% of adults in the United States now have mobile phones. 77% of them have smartphones. The amount of people who actually own a smartphone is even higher when compared to previous years, especially in those who are over the age of 50. Mobile devices claim more than 53% of use on the internet as well. One of the areas to have changed the most would be the casino industry. When you look at the casino sector, you will soon find that it was traditionally in-person only. Now however, you can access any game you want from your smartphone. This has revolutionised the way that casino providers market, and it has also made games more convenient for people who want to gamble too.

Flexing the Power of Social Media

We live in an age of ever-changing technology. Social media is becoming more and more crucial when it comes to marketing and it is also the best way for people to connect. It is a very common understanding that people want to align with those who they share the same values of, and this is changing the way that brands market themselves. Brands can now use social media as a benchmark when it comes to monitoring their brand exposure and how much they are connecting with their audience.

Organic Segmentation

Even though companies understand the implication that comes with relationship marketing, many people think that they are looking for a light switch in a very dark room. They feel as though they are unable to use social media to drive real-time sales. In a lot of cases, this is because they are not creating an ongoing strategy that applies to every single process.

Effective Marketing

Effective marketing to mobile customers starts with consistency. It’s about putting high-quality content out there that is able to lure in potential customers with compelling graphics that do not end up interfering with the end-user experience. Many companies make the mistake of treating their mobile users as if they were an after-thought, but this can come with dire consequences. Mobile marketing is its own thing, and it requires a great deal of planning if you want it to be effective. More and more marketers are now beginning to take marketing seriously when it comes to mobile devices, and this is helping to ensure that users are able to get the responsive experience they are looking for.

About the author: ISHAN

Growth Hacker | Speaker | Entrepreneur | Helping Companies Drive Breakout Growth. Learn more at