easy Spanish Wordlists

The list of most easy Spanish Wordlists

Spanish is one of the famous romantic languages which people choose to learn since it is highly versatile and it is spoken all over the world. If you are fluent in Spanish, it opens you to an entire universe of opportunities at any stage I your life. You can get a chance to study in the best universities of Spain. You will also get access to apply and get well paid jobs across Europe and South America. Not to mention, you also have a great lifestyle in Spain, avail the best medicare facility and get to live in a very beautiful country! Yes, that’s right, Spanish opens all the doors and windows too. 

If you are a simple tourist, you don’t necessarily need to know Spanish to travel in Spain or in South America since you’ll be going only to the touristy locations and do touristy stuff. But if you are to live in Spain as a Spanish person or if you want to travel to the hidden gems in rural Spain or Latin America, pull up your work pants and start working. Learning Spanish is going to be a long but amazing ride and you need all the guidance and materials possible

There are loads of apps which teach Spanish, not to mention hundreds of thousands of videos and tons of free blogs providing every piece of information possible. Across the world and in Spain, there are many training centres and academies which teach Spanish both online and offline. Adding to this lost, you can find Spanish meet up groups, Spanish books and magazines and many many more such materials. 

Introduction to Common Spanish Wordlists

So with such a plethora of material, how should one start? Simple, you need to start through wordlists. How did you start studying a second language? You start memorizing the list of all common words such as months of the year, list of birds, list of animals and many more. You can find hundreds of such wordlists online, in the form of blogs, pdfs, ppts and even quizzes. Don’t beat your heard too much. Start slow and target the easiest lists. 

List of animals in Spanish

One of the most common Spanish wordlists which serve as a starting point to anyone learning Spanish is “the list of animals in Spanish”. It is quite easy and simple since most animal names are very similar to English and thus you can cover a lot of words in a single shot. The best part about this tagged blog article is that they give you over a hundred example sentences.

A simple example is “la rata” refers to rat which actually you can remember as rat with an added “a”. Another example is “el gato” which translates literally to cat.

List of common Verbs in Spanish

Secondly, start with “list of common Verbs in Spanish”. You don’t need to memorize 1000 or 2000. Start off with the top fifty and work your way to a hundred. Also note that you need to memorize only 2 or 3 a day since you need to learn loads of sentences with each of these verbs so that you are comfortable with the usage of the verb in the right place in the right time. This is probably one of the most important lists as you tend to use verbs in almost every single sentence

List of Colors in Spanish

Third, you can go ahead with “List of colors in Spanish”. This is also a very simple list since most of the words are very similar to English. This list will serve you quite well as you tend to use colors for describing objects and food articles. For example, the Spanish word for “black” is “negro” which as you can see is a very simple straightforward translation. You can get this list of all Colors in Spanish memorized with less than one hour.

List of Herbs and Spices in Spanish

When you go to Spain, I am pretty sure that one thing you need to do is cook on your own. The “list of Herbs and Spices in Spanish” will serve you well there since you will be able to go to the supermarket and get the spices that you want which will make your meals more delectable. Another important aspect of this is that this list will help you when you are reading a Spanish menu card. You can order food with the spices and herbs that you like instead of randomly stabbing in the dark.

List of Vegetables in Spanish

Obviously if you go to the supermarket, you’re going to buy fruits and vegetables. So the “list of all vegetables in Spanish” is one of the most common Spanish wordlists which serve as a starting point when you are starting to learn Spanish. These are survival lists and you cannot manage without them. 

Similar to the list of all animals in Spanish, the list of all Vegetables is quite easy to remember since the words are quite similar to English. You can cover the entire wordlist in a single day without breaking a sweat! 

The other common word lists 

The other most common wordlists which are worth spending some time memorizing are:

  1. List of most common adjectives in Spanish
  2. List of common adverbs in Spanish
  3. Parts of the human body
  4. Members of the family in Spanish
  5. Fruits and Berries 
  6. Numbers and basic currency calculation in Spanish
  7. Months of the year and days of the week in Spanish


I would say that as a beginner to the world of Spanish, at the very beginning, give or take one month memorizing loads of simple wordlists like the ones mentioned in the bog. The benefits will be incredible as you will end up understanding some words in every Spanish sentence that you hear when having conversations. The best part is that if you know the key words, you can guess the remaining sentence and fill in the blanks. You will hence be able to make super simple conversations easily in Spanish without breaking a sweat.

About the author: Medhaavi Mishra