'Why I stopped wearing my socks?'

My review of @Alok sir book – ‘Why I stopped wearing my socks?’

Thanks Alok Kejriwal sir for the wonderful book. No crap, no long story, नो इधर -उधर की बातें . …सीधे hashtag#धंधे की बात! ! My review of @Alok sir book – ‘Why I stopped wearing my socks?’ I ordered Alok Kejriwal’s book ‘Why I Stopped Wearing My Socks’ Ordered on 22 Jan 2019 received the book on 25 jan. By Feb 16, I had finished reading it. A great book on the journey of an entrepreneur – his highs and his lows, his gains and his losses, his trials and tribulations, his failures and his learnings, and his will to keep on going! And all this very well captured in a simple story-based language. What I really enjoyed were 2 characteristics of the book – short 2-3 pages’ chapters and a ‘learning’ at the end of each chapter. Having followed Alok Kejriwal sir over the last 5 years on LinkedIn, in the Rodinhoods community and with the new hashtag#dhandhekibaat video series; this book was a perfect. Highly recommended for hashtag#entrepreneurs in all stage of their life cycle. @RalettaMerrchant.comhashtag#Ralettahashtag#Merrchanthashtag#ishantech

buy book – https://www.amazon.in/Why-Stopped-Wearing-My-Socks/dp/9387578704

Note = We accept paid guest post , please let me know if you are interested. More details Ishantech@hotmailcom 

About the author: ISHAN

Growth Hacker | Speaker | Entrepreneur | Helping Companies Drive Breakout Growth. Learn more at IshanMishra.in