Insourcing Vs Outsourcing Your Digital Marketing

As companies move ahead towards a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, businesses of all sizes wonder as to whether the activities should be outsourced or is it economical to retain in-house.

Before we analyze the benefits and disadvantages of different levels of outsourcing, here are some of the key Digital Marketing activities that can be outsourced

• Social Media Management

• Search Engine Optimization

• Pay per Click Advertising

• Content Marketing

• Online Reputation Management

• Analytics and Conversion Rate Optimization

But what are the pros and cons of executing Digital Marketing strategies from in-house to external training to full outsourcing. Let us take a look!



With many businesses finding fruitful advantages in using external agencies for some of the crucial Digital Marketing aspects such as social media and brand management it’s very uncommon not to outsource any of the Digital Marketing process. However there are still some benefits of retaining Digital Marketing in-house


• Businesses obtain the control of the brand

• If the required skills are already present within the company it costs less for the companies than outsourcing to professionals


• The Digital Marketing industry is growing at a very fast pace making it difficult for businesses to stay ahead of the competition without full time resources

• In addition to focusing on other areas of business, internal resources need to spend some extra time and attention to stretch with the marketing tasks.

• It requires new staff with digital experience to perform a successful task which can be expensive in the long-run.

External Training for Staff


When businesses go with in-house digital marketing, they may find that it is more advantageous and efficient to train the existing resources in the aspects of Digital Marketing than it is to hire experts. This training is usually executed externally by Professional Digital Marketing companies.


• Businesses can still have control over their brand, while achieving better results with trained resources developing the right skills to carry out the task.

• It can be cost effective than totally outsourcing activities

• Staff gains more confidence and feels more valued and trusted with extra responsibilities


• As the Digital Marketing industry is ever changing, on-going training is required in order to remain competitive. It costs additional charges for extended training

• Without experts keeping an eye on the business’ strategy, it can be tough to determine what aspects of digital marketing would work best.

Complete Out Sourcing

full outsourcing

Full outsourcing of Digital Marketing tasks has many benefits, especially when it comes to long-lasting success and ROI. There are various agencies specializing in different areas, from SEO, PPC to brand management and customer engagement.


• Effective marketing carried out by expert digital marketing company enables your business to stay on-top of the fast growing industry.

• Internal resources can pay attention to other areas of the business.

• Professionals present you with regular, detailed reporting to show progress and ROI, usually customizable to what your business is particularly interested in monitoring.

• Momentum is sustained with regular and consistent work each month.


Initial investment is usually higher than retaining in-house, although this can significantly lower over time through better results and improved ROI

To conclude

Digital Marketing is increasingly becoming important part of business that can deliver amazing results when executed effectively. Find a professional Digital marketing company with distinct skills where you might be short and work on the relationship for achieving bigger results and stunning ROI.

Are you thinking to outsource all or a part of your digital marketing activities? With integrated digital marketing strategy plans e-Merchant Digital takes your business to the next level. Get in touch.– See more at:

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About the author: ISHAN

Growth Hacker | Speaker | Entrepreneur | Helping Companies Drive Breakout Growth. Learn more at