8 Web Design Mistakes That Hurt Nonprofit Website Conversation

8 Web Design Mistakes That Hurt Nonprofit Website Conversation

When you hear of nonprofit websites, most associate it with fundraising tools, but those websites are more than just that. Most nonprofit websites depend on the online presence for their task. It’s where users can interact and share their interests to support the organization.

Most of the nonprofit groups do not take their website development seriously. With such misfortune, the origination ends up hurting itself as they lose the ability to attract more sponsors, volunteers, and donors. You can research more information online to help in web design. If you want to increase the conversation rate, a nonprofit organisation should avoid web mistakes that ruin their activities.

Here are some of them.

1.       Incorrect Link Addition

The common problem with nonprofit websites is the use of hidden or incorrect links. The visitor or donor wants to get all the information concerning your organization. Having correct links on the website gives the direction they need to do in the website as it increases the conversation.

You can solve the problem quickly and get to know whether they are clicking on the internal link or primarily external. If you need help concerning linking web builders for nonprofits, correct the link placement and ensure users find it easily. Sometimes you have to check on broken or invisible links to ensure you get directed to the right page.

2.       Using Wrong Design

What attracts most people is how you design your website. Some of these designs are unfriendly at first sight and could scare donors and members to turn away. When you plan, make sure your imagery and media drawing hierarchy attract website visitors to the site. Your colors should match, font size, and the significant sign should be appealing to the visitor of your website. Consider only a few primary colors and captivating imagery to have a classic looking website.

3.       No Clear Call to Action

Your potential donor or visitor has landed on your site, and they are looking for the clear, concise call to action that tells them what to do. If they don’t find your website of use they could give up and leave the site. As you arrange the content in your site, clearly outline every step that needs to be followed. Ensure the join or donation button on every page is present and consider that the color stands out and matches the overall aesthetic.

4.       Using Ineffective Visuals

The picture can do more explaining concerning your contact. The image should tell the story of your website. An image can either explain more about your website or the story of the people you helped. It should comprise everything from history, vision, and mission that drives your organization.

The core values and your impression need to be appealing to the donors. With that, you build the brand and maintain the consistency of that brand throughout your website. Everything needs consistency though your site page. You can allow CMS to host all your pages on your website, including donation and event registration.

5.       Outdated Information

People visit your website to learn more concerning your nonprofit organization before they can get involved. What they need most is transparency, all your past events need to update. Indicate all your upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and fundraisers up to date for them to easily see. Be sure to indicate dates, times, and any other relevant information if they need to keep a reminder. If there is any new event, it should appear in the homepage blog, newsletter, or social media to share the latest news. 

6.       Oversharing the Content

Most people lack knowledge on marketing strategies, content leadership and fail to notice that less is more. When you have too much wordy content on the site, you fail to give your readers the desired call to action. You need to convey the desired mission of the organization in a simple way that readers can easily understand.

7.       Not Prioritizing the Donors page

As CTAs lead donors to your page, they need to find enough nonprofits to prioritize appealing content after they get there. Your content needs to be updated every time. The page needs to be simple to use to gain the value of the donor. Therefore, a nonprofit website should optimize its donation page following the latest fundraising trends.

With easy editing of the website, you better keep the new fundraising trend on the donor’s page. Your editing tools have to deploy significant changes as new trends arise. Avoid the small mistake that may cost you to lose your donors. Any error on your nonprofit website can cause significant dents.

8.       Weak search engine optimization

The search engine is vital for any website. Whether you are running a nonprofit organization or business site, you will have to invest in good SEO to improve the conversation. Your nonprofit’s site needs to benefit from appearing in organic search engines as many people who search online have an interest.

Many of the nonprofit websites lack keywords that describe what services they do. As a web designer of a nonprofit website, you need to ensure high-ranking keywords in the content. You can also introduce long-tail keywords to attract the right leads and get them to volunteer or donate to your cause.

If you want to give any content on the internet a boost in engagements you need to make use of the third party platforms and services. For example if you have any Twitch related content it’s good to make a use of Twitch related services that guarantee the increase in engagements. 


Nonprofit websites, like other organizations, need to have an excellent design to achieve their desired results. The website needs high-quality content that will be helpful to your reader. Moreover, include more features like a donation button so that people with interest can easily reach you. Avoid the mistake mentioned above to help you design an excellent nonprofit website that increases the conversation.


About the author: Medhaavi Mishra