Because they spend too much time working in their business, instead focusing on growing their business: Getting (more) paying customers.
Now For The Good News…
In exchange for this minuscule investment, I am going to give you the greatest gift I could ever give a business owner or marketing professional.
It’s the key to spark growth in any business.
And I’m going to let you have them…
…(plus a whole lot more)…
I’ll tell you why in a bit, but first, I have a question for you…
Are You Just “Winging It?”
Practicing “hope and pray” marketing?
Or do you have a clear-cut plan to grow your business?
If you are “winging it,” don’t feel bad…you’re not alone. For the better part of my career, that’s what I did, too.
And for a while, it worked.
In the early days, when my business was smaller and simpler, “winging it” got the job done. But as my business expanded and moved into more and more markets, “winging it” just didn’t cut it anymore.
So I Did Something Most Business Owners Only Dream Of Doing…
There is no silver bullet to grow your company. The trick however, is to continuously have little experiments to find which growth channels work for you. I actually simplified my business with automation then focused on growing my business instead of working in my business I worked on it.
The First Time I Failed Miserably…
Ok, maybe “failed miserably” is being a bit harsh…but it wasn’t great. (Although I’m sure it was better than they would have done on their own.) So, I made it a continual habit to focus on growth.
The Result: SUCCESS!
And grow, I did…
Here’s my disclaimer: I obviously can’t promise that you will get these results. Your results will vary due to a multitude of factors.
The Secret To Rapid Business Growth (And Getting Unstuck)
I found that the secret to rapid growth was to focus on growing my business. When I did this one simple action I began to build momentum and that snowballed into exponential growth for my business and now it can for you.
…My “Secret Revealed”
Until lately I haven’t shared this process of focusing on growth with people other than my $5000-$10,000 dollar a month clients. So I made a bold move to help small businesses succeed and I am boiling down the top growth hacks to help you grow your business.
For example:
- Business Automation Hacks
- Blogging Hacks
- Content Marketing/ Promotion Hacks
- PR Hacks
- Conversion Rate Optimization Hacks
- Paid Advertising Hacks
- Social Media Hacks
- and More….
You Get It 12 Hacks Over 30 Days – For Just $47.00
That’s right…
Your investment today is just $47.00
Some of these hacks have resulted in multiple 6 figure and 7 figure increases in revenue.
I May Be Crazy…But I’m Not Stupid
It may come as a surprise, but I do have a sneaky, ulterior motive for making this offer.
As you have probably already guessed, I’m not getting rich giving away my best stuff for less than $47.
My sincere hope is you’ll love what you see and choose to stay.
If you do, GREAT!
If not, that’s ok, too.
Just cancel before the 30 days are up, and you’ll receive a full refund.
But if you do love it (and I think you will), you’ll automatically be renewed at our charter member rate of just $47 a month.
A paltry sum…
…especially when compared to what you’ll make when you implement just one of the execution plans you see above.
So click the Subscribe button below, and let’s get started…
Hiring a Marketer= $6000/mo, Small Business Growth Hacks= $47/mo.
Still Not Convinced…?
Consider this if you want to hire a Marketer to do this for you it will cost between $2000- $6000/month, or you can spend much time searching for tactics online and figuring out how to apply them. For an investment of $47 you can invest in the growth of your business at the fraction of the cost a marketer would charge and save your self tens of hours per week. The choice is clear so why delay any longer.

Who is behind this?
10 years of work experience as a Digital Marketer | Growth Hacker | SaaS Products Marketing | SEO-SMO Consultant | Businesses Growth | Celebrity Management | Political Strategic Ad visor and Change Maker.
I m currently heading ➤
➤ IshanTech – ( ) Growth Hacking Marketing Agency India.
➤ Ex- Cofounder/Coo ( Raletta Technology Pvt Ltd.)