Why is it Crucial to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar in Diabetes

Why is it Crucial to Maintain Normal Blood Sugar in Diabetes

Individuals with diabetes are always sceptical about how a particular food item may affect their glucose levels. The blood sugar level is the most critical parameter to diagnose and meet the goals of diabetes care. Diabetes closely associates with the patterns of blood glucose levels throughout the day. Maintaining these levels within a specific range reduces future complications of the condition.

Diabetes is a lifestyle condition, meaning you must adopt a healthy lifestyle for proper care. Coordinating routine activities to remain within the healthy blood glucose range by following your physician’s guidelines is essential for consistent diabetes control. Scroll down to learn the significance of blood glucose levels and why keeping track of them is necessary.  

Know the Role of Glucose in Diabetes Management

Diabetes is a condition resulting in abnormal levels of glucose in the blood. Glucose is vital for cells in our body to produce energy and perform specific functions. Insulin carries the glucose from food into the cells. Sometimes, insulin may not transport glucose to cells efficiently, resulting in high glucose levels in the blood.

 A physician will check the blood sugar level if they suspect someone has diabetes. They measure the concentration of glucose in the bloodstream at a particular moment. Besides diet, your body creates and stores glucose whenever necessary.

You should know a few terms concerning blood glucose levels if you or a loved one have diabetes. These are:

  • Random glucose – Blood glucose level regardless of the time of last meal
  • Fasting glucose– The glucose level in the blood eight hours after a meal
  • Postprandial glucose– The amount of glucose in the blood two hours after the meal

Glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day, rising after every meal and dropping while fasting. The blood level of glucose in the blood is at its lowest in the morning, as you have been fasting for several hours. Knowing the fasting and after food normal sugar level is crucial to understand the effect of your medication, diet, and exercise routine.

Optimum Blood Glucose Levels 

The ideal blood sugar reading for someone with no diabetes is within 90 to 110 mg/dL, which is an approximate range. Some individuals with 130 or 150 mg/dL may not have diabetes, requiring in-depth monitoring by checking fasting and postprandial levels. The following may explain the ideal blood sugar values at different times for people with and without diabetes.

Normal range after eight hours of fasting

  • If you have no diabetes- Between 70 and 99 mg/dL
  • If you have diabetes- Between 80 and 130 mg/dL

Normal range two hours after the last meal

  • If you have no diabetes- Below 140 mg/dL
  • If you have diabetes- Below 180 mg/dL

Physicians may check HbA1c (glycosylated haemoglobin) to determine the last three months’ average glucose level for a more precise overview. The normal HbA1c value is 5.7 per cent for someone without diabetes and 7 per cent if the individual has diabetes.

After food normal sugar level is suitable to monitor blood glucose levels, besides fasting blood sugar normal range and the HbA1c test.

Why are Glucose Levels Higher in People with Diabetes?

Our pancreas releases insulin in response to food intake to deal with the glucose in the food. Insulin is the principal factor in managing glucose levels. The pancreas cannot produce insulin in a person with Type 1 diabetes, leading to high glucose concentrations in the blood.

In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas may produce adequate insulin, but the cells do not readily absorb it. The cells of the body cannot use it because of insulin resistance. It is a common scenario in type 2 diabetes.  

An ideal blood glucose level is misleading. It is because the sudden rise in blood glucose after consuming food with high sugar content is possible in people with no diabetes.

It explains why physicians recommend glucose-lowering medicines to prevent higher glucose levels in people with diabetes. If you have diabetes, your insulin may not be adequate for handling spikes in glucose levels.

Blood Glucose Monitoring- A Hallmark of Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes is a condition in which blood glucose levels are abnormal. Keeping the blood sugar level within a normal range with regular monitoring is the goal of treatment. Patients with other medical conditions, like high blood pressure, should take more precautions by following their diet, exercising, and taking medication as directed.

Consistently higher glucose levels are detrimental to your overall health. Regular monitoring helps your physician assess the effect of medication and recommend changes if necessary. You can have better control over the symptoms of high blood glucose by meeting the goals of treatment and lifestyle modifications.

It is essential to know what works well and how to manage this condition more effectively by maintaining a blood glucose record, including fasting and postprandial glucose level. After food normal sugar level is an important indicator of good diabetes control.

Your physician will guide you about the frequency of checking blood glucose by assessing your health status and vital parameters. It is crucial not to miss your appointments with the physician for proper diabetes care.

Final Word

Each individual responds differently to myriad factors affecting glucose levels. Periodic dose titration may be necessary to maintain normal glucose levels. Monitoring allows you to know the effects of various medications and diet plans so that you can take the required steps for a successful outcome.

Effective glucose management by keeping blood sugar within a normal range is a vital attribute of diabetes treatment. Regular monitoring of glucose levels helps you lead a healthy life with no fear of long-term complications.

Successful diabetes management is a team effort involving you and your healthcare providers. Experienced endocrinologists, dieticians, and physicians determine your diabetes goals and recommend a customised diabetes management plan to ensure long-term diabetes control and well-being.





About the author: Medhaavi Mishra