Secrets to Hosting Garden Parties

Secrets to Hosting Garden Parties

Secrets to Hosting Garden Parties


Who doesn’t enjoy a well-planned party? Think of being able to plan and organize a garden party that people will be talking about for weeks. Or better still, every time they hear a party, they associate it with you.

Garden parties take place in an open setting. The final results take hard work and meticulous planning. You do not need to be trained to host such parties. You need to know a few secrets that make your work easier. Luckily for you, this article will be covering them in detail.

1. Budget Ahead


You wouldn’t buy anything without first determining your maximum budget, and the same guidelines apply when throwing a garden party. It’s vital to note that costs play a big role in an owner’s options regarding food, beverages, and décor, so don’t stray very far from a set sum.

Assess the number of guests you plan to invite to your party and account for attendees’ possible “over-spill” when planning food. For beverages, consider getting them wholesale. You’ll get a fair price since there are no retailer markups.

If you plan to host it in your home, prepare in advance. Your kitchen will be your storage area. Ensure that you create room in your kitchen cabinet to store your party supplies. Due to mixups, you need to separate them from family supplies to avoid last-minute purchases.

You are going to work on the sitting arrangement. Get extra chairs to accommodate the number of guests you are expecting. Throw in some extras on the side in case of extra guests.

2. Work on the Décor


The design of your garden is entirely up to you. Balloons can seem attractive if they are designed with care. Flowers are a better alternative for those who care about the environment because they are green waste that can be maintained and offered to guests as they leave the party.

Because the appropriate lighting can instantly change the entire atmosphere of a setting. It’s especially vital in settings that rely on natural light, which isn’t always guaranteed, such as the garden. Bring in some beautiful lighting, such as string lights, pathway stake lights, and yard lanterns, to extend your garden party until the night.

What do you want your visitors to smell? For a pleasing aroma, invest in aromatic blossoms such as lavender candles. Before the party, make sure all your trash cans and recyclables are empty. Make a spectacular playlist to set the mood for the party.

3. Prepare the Guest List


Who wants to throw a party and then find oneself hurriedly searching the venue for an extra chair and plate for an extra guest or a neighbour who suddenly happened to be “dropping in”?

Before setting the dates, check with the major guests to determine whether they will be available. You may choose to reschedule your party if this is the case, especially if more than half of your guests will be unable to attend.

4. Set Up Refreshments Station


Drinks are usually the first thing visitors ask for during an outdoor party, so consider setting up a refreshments station in your garden, ready to offer some delectable margaritas, mimosas, and mocktails.

Your garden party is ready to go with the correct glasses, bar accoutrements, and décor; just remember to check for refilling and don’t leave your guests stranded with empty cups.

Use a bar cart if you have a little outdoor location. Wheeled serving carts are easy to transport and compact enough to fit almost anywhere while holding all of your beverages. A clever method to build an impromptu drinks station is by filling a few empty flowerpots with ice to produce DIY wine coolers,

5. Prepare Extra Food


Regardless of what food will be prepared, you need to ensure that there is extra. Sometimes a guest may come with a plus one without telling you. It’ll be bad if the gues will not get food at the party, or you are forced to reduce the ratios to accommodate the new number.

Always organize extra food for a garden party. This covers up for the unexpected visitors. Moreover, your guests will not be shy for a second help if there’s enough to go around and more. You want your guests well-fed at your party.

The Bottom Line

Planning a garden part is easy when you know what you are doing. The pointers given in this article will get you started. Remember to budget, work on the guest list, pick out and work on the decorations, and finally, sort out food and refreshments. Give yourself time between the planning and the actual date of the party for smooth sailing of things.

About the author: ISHAN

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