How To Start A Blog That Makes You Money In 2023: The Definitive Guide To Blogging

How To Start A Blog That Makes You Money In 2024: The Definitive Guide To Blogging

Blogging is a terrific method to express your thoughts online and may be enjoyable as a pastime. Yet, a blog may also be a really useful addition to a business website. Nowadays, a number of businesses are attempting to start blogs, and it’s much simpler than you might believe to do so. You have the chance to create longer form content on your blog, which can help you build your brand and solidify your online presence. Blogs are a wonderful means of expanding your audience, adding value, fostering loyalty, and even making a little money. If you are curious about how to start a blog in 2023 and earn money online, this detailed post can take you through the setup procedure step-by-step. So let’s get started if you are ready to learn how to start a blog.

What Is A Blog?

What Is A Blog?

A blog is a place to post content about a topic you are enthusiastic about; it can either be a complete website or just its own section. A blog will often have both textual and visual elements that are published in an easy-to-read article style so that users can quickly browse and locate what they are seeking for. Anywhere in the world, readers can read and comment on blog posts that have been published on websites. 

Although the themes and layouts of each blog vary slightly, all blogs have a few things in common. Each blog post typically includes a title, body section, and comment area. The description of these three are given respectively. 

The title of a blog article is where bloggers may capture the attention of readers and entice them to read more. Although blog post titles should be fairly succinct and compelling, it’s also crucial that they accurately describe the post’s content. Your blog article title should ideally be no more than 60 characters long.

It’s important to draw readers in with your post’s original body content after you’ve captured their attention with a catchy title. In this you delve into the topic that you’re discussing. You can accomplish this using text, images, videos, charts, and other types of media. The most crucial component of a blog article is the body content. Key words should be used here as well.

Here, readers can submit comments regarding your blog post after having read it. When your blog has been published, you as the blog’s author can reply to each of these comments individually. Although you are not required to have one, comments are an excellent way to interact with your readers.

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Why To Start A Blog?

what is blog

There are many reasons why people start blogs. 

There are moments when all you want is to be heard and have your views spread. A blog can be useful in this situation because it is a personal space and a means of communication. You can use your enthusiasm and creativity to build a setting where you can express your thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. 

A fantastic technique to engage potential clients and give more details about a product or service is through blogs for business. Blogging also has a significant positive impact on a website’s SEO.

With time and persistent effort, blogging can be lucrative. Regularly publishing high-quality content that attracts new readers and increases traffic to your website is the best method to reap the financial benefits of your labor. This can improve your status as an online influencer, which will help your blog attract advertisers and make affiliate marketing possible.

We can now feel connected to others without having to reside in the same city, state, or even nation, because of the internet. A blog creates a space for you to express your thoughts, talk with others around the world who share your interests, and more. Generally, a blog features a comments section where readers may communicate with you directly, enabling you to have conversations and forge connections. 

So, this is all the reason behind establishing a blog now you have a better knowledge of this.

Steps To Start A Successful Blog-

Steps To Start A Successful Blog

To start a blog and earn money as a blogger right now, follow these 9 steps: 

1. Choose Your Blog Niche And Name 

The first thing you should do is determine your blog’s niche and name.

A blog niche is a particular area of focus that the blog is focused on. Your blog’s target audience can be identified and your content can be tailored to their needs and interests with the help of a niche. By focusing on a certain niche, you can establish yourself as an authority and make your blog the go-to place for your audience’s issues, which will boost reading and engagement. Popular blog niches include things like food, travel, fashion, technology, health & wellness, personal finance, and much more. 

It’s important to be careful while choosing a name for your blog. A name can help to distinguish your blog from others’ and increase its remembrance. Generally blog names fall into two categories the first one is keyword-based and second one is brand-based. Keyword-based contains relevant keywords that reflect the purpose or theme of the blog. Brand-based emphasizes a brand and are typically more short and memorable. You can use a blog name generator if you are having problems coming up with a good name for your blog. You can enter a few keywords into these name generators, and they will then present you with a list of suitable blog names. 

2. Pick Your Blogging Platform

You will have to check at the blogging platforms that are now out there and choose the kind of blog management software you are going to use. There are numerous blogging platforms available, and people have varying views on each of them. The WordPress platform is where most bloggers begin their blogs. WordPress is well-liked since it is simple to use.

3. Get Web Hosting And Domain Name

Get Web Hosting And Domain Name

You will choose the domain name and web hosting plan you will use to start your blog at this stage. The two most crucial steps in starting a blog online are securing web hosting and a domain name. A web hosting service enables you to publish a website and all of its files online, enabling users to visit it. Buying hosting entails renting server space from a hosting company, providing you access to the resources needed to set up and run a blog. 


It’s time to get your blog’s domain name when the hosting has been set up. Regardless of the niche you choose, your domain name will be the name by which you are recognised online. That is the unique Internet address for your blog. To access your website, visitors must type a domain name into the address bar. Domain names allow it to be quicker and easier to access different websites because users would otherwise have to remember a long string of numbers. 

4. Start Your Blog By Setting Up WordPress

You may now begin setting up your blog since you have a domain name and web hosting. This section will guide you through the process of setting up WordPress on a third-party web host. As an example, we will choose BlueHost, one of WordPress’ top three host recommendations. Here are the few easy steps you must follow: 

Step 1: Go to the BlueHost homepage and click the “Start building” tab which is on the right side. 


Step 2: Then, you will have a choice between three plans: basic, pro, and online store. 


Step 3: The choice will then be yours to either create a domain name right away or later. Whichever decision you make, you must first create an account in order to proceed.


Step 4: Once you have signed up, go to the BlueHost main dashboard, tap the “My Sites” tab, and then tap the top-right “Create site” button.


Step 5: After clicking once more on the “My Sites” tab in the sidebar, find the site you wish to manage, then click the “Manage site”.


Step 6: At the upper right corner, tap the “Log into WordPress” tab.


Step 7: Then, from the secondary menu, select the “website” tab, and from the highlighted WordPress section of the page, tap “install now.”


Step 8: Once the WordPress icon appears, tap on “install” button,


Congratulations—WordPress has just been installed! From this stage, you may choose the plugins you want to use to give your blog more functionality, choose to go with the default theme that comes with your hosting plan, or buy and upload a premium theme, and you are good to go.

5. Customize The blog Theme

Customize The blog Theme

A feature known as “WordPress themes” is available in WordPress. For all types of blogs, these ready- made designs are offered. Your blog will have a default theme, but most users prefer to pick their own theme to customize their site. There are numerous WordPress themes available, both free and paid. It’s essential that you keep a simple, user-friendly blog design. These are some essential design tips to have in mind:

On the blog, use a lot of white space- It looks clean and increases readers concentration. To do this, make use of wide margins and adequate content spacing. 

Format the text to make it scannable- You want readers to be able to rapidly skim through both your blog’s individual posts and the entire thing. To make your main point stand out, use small text blocks, plenty of bullet points and subheadings, and bolded text. 

Simplicity is key when choosing colors- Be careful to stick with your primary brand colors and to avoid making the main color field too dark so that the text is impossible to see.

Arrange the navigational tabs- Your readers should have no trouble finding the information they need. Add a search bar and a topic browsing option.

Check the responsive theme- Check that the design appears good on mobile as well.

6. Write And Publish Blog Content

It’s time to start blogging now that your website is operational. Let’s start by making your first piece of content. There are only a few tweaks.

Firstly, go to Posts —Add New.  After that:

  • Write in the title of your blog post at the top. 
  • Use Gutenberg blocks to enter the content for your blog posts. You can start typing right away or paste content, and Gutenberg blocks will be instantly generated. 
  • If you require particular styled blocks, such as buttons, bullet points, or pictures, tap on the plus sign to display a wide range of options. 
  • On the right, pick a category or create a new one. 
  • Adding tags to the right of your blog post that describe it is optional. Once you are done, click Publish.

The few of the key pages that your blog should contain and that are the homepage, about us, contact, and Products, Services, Resources.

7. Optimizing Your Blog For Search Engines 

Optimizing Your Blog For Search Engines 

The practice of optimizing your blog for search engines to make it easier for search engine crawlers to identify and “understand” your content and index all of your blog pages is known as search engine optimization (SEO). As search engines account for the great bulk of web traffic, you should make absolutely sure that your content is ranked as highly as possible. If not, you are losing out on a sizable number of prospective clicks, who idealistically would have been high-intent potential customers. 

Optimizing your content for SEO requires consistent effort and should begin with the following steps:

  • Use SEMRush or Ahrefs or other keyword research tools to find keywords with enough search traffic to yield results but not enough competition to make it difficult for you to rank for them. 
  • Your headline (h1), H2 and H3 headers should all contain the keywords.
  • Use keywords in both the alt-image text and the body of the content.
  • The target keywords should be used in the meta description you create.

The backend of your website should also be SEO-optimized. An expert in technical SEO can assist you with this step of the process, which could involve the following:

  • Adding Schema markup to your website will assist Google in understanding and reading the information of your page. 
  • Setting up canonical tags helps avoid duplicate content problems.
  • Utilize open graphs, which are meta tags created to enhance integration with social media sites.

8. Promote Your Blog

Promote Your Blog

When your site is running smoothly, it’s simple to believe that everything will go according to plan. But, constant and continual promotion is required for blogs. Although if your blog’s content is perfectly SEO-optimized, you still can’t wait for your audience to discover you. Be proactive with your blog promotion strategy as it can take some time to increase your blog’s SEO ranks and attract consistent organic traffic. Some ways for efficiently promoting your blog are provided below:

  • Stay active in your niche. Participate in industry forums and Q&As, like on Quora. 
  • Be active on social media by frequently posting your blog’s content on your profiles.
  • In order to boost your brand’s reputation and trust, look for opportunities to guest blog.
  • Take part in the blog community. You can gain insightful knowledge from blog communities and make connections that will be helpful to you in the future. 
  • Collaborate with some other bloggers in your industry. Collaboration with other bloggers brings up opportunities for guest posting and shared promotion techniques.
  • Be thoughtful in your responses to blog comments. If your readers are taking the time to make comments, you should take the time to compose a thoughtful reply that demonstrates value for their viewpoint. 
  • Putting the emphasis on quality rather than quantity. Even if you are able to only publish one post per month, ensure that it is well-written, well-edited, and based on thorough research. 
  • Just be consistent. If your posting schedule is irregular, your topics are all over the place, or your brand voice changes too frequently, you will lose readers quickly.

9. Monetize Your Blog

The final step is to earn money from your blog. The process of converting your blog activity into earnings is known as monetization. Remember that blogging is about more than just getting money. It involves producing informative content and blog posts that will draw readers and keep them returning for more. Some of the more well-liked options are as follows:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

It’s simple to start, and this is one of the most popular ways to monetize your site. Intermediate affiliates might make between $300 and $3000 per day, with earnings increasing with experience. There are numerous affiliate marketing programs available. When you refer potential customers to a product or service using affiliate marketing, you get paid with a commission. When done correctly, you get paid to refer people to products you believe in. 


Another choice is to place advertisements within your blog, in which case you are simply selling out ad space on your blog’s real estate. As you will be getting paid for each click, this is a rather sure way of making money. Google AdSense is undoubtedly one of the most successful and well-known programs if you are thinking about going this path.

Sell your Products And service

One excellent way to grow your earnings is to directly sell your own products and services on your blog. Your products and services will start to sell themselves as your blog gains readers and becomes more popular. By adding visual images and a link to your storefront page to your blog’s sidebar, you can draw more attention to the products you sell.

What Is The Cost Of Starting A Blog In 2023?

What Is The Cost Of Starting A Blog In 2023?

Even if it is feasible to start a blog for free, doing so is frequently not a wise move. The options you have with a free blogging platform are limited, and you will still need to use their paid features to maximize the potential of your site. In 2023, it will cost around $34.50 and $65.40 to start a blog and cover for your first year’s necessary expenses(your main expense will be web hosting), depending on your ambitions and the type of blog you want to start. The amount of money you put in it is entirely up to you. 

About the author: Medhaavi Mishra